ODS 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
It is about protecting human life and achieving a better quality of life for all.
This SDG urges us to prevent and combat communicable diseases, new and emerging, and all those that, without being communicable, cause most of the premature mortality, from cancer to coronary heart disease. Measures to control tobacco must also be strengthened, as well as the prevention and treatment of addictive substance abuse. It also calls on us to work to substantially reduce deaths and illnesses caused by chemicals and air, water and soil pollution, as well as traffic accidents.
3.1 For 2030, reduce the world tax of maternal mortality at less of 70 for each 100.000 been born alive.
3.2 For 2030, pose end at the avoidable deaths of nounats and of the minors of 5 years, achieving that all the countries try to reduce the neonatal mortality at least until 12 for each 1.000 been born alive, and the mortality of the minors of 5 years at least until 25 for each 1.000 been born alive.
3.3 For 2030, pose end at the epidemics of it sida, tuberculosis, malaria and the tropical sicknesses disregarded, and combat the hepatitis, the sicknesses transmitted by the water and other sicknesses transmissibles.
3.4 For 2030, reduce at a third the untimely mortality for sicknesses no transmissibles, by means of the prevention and the treatment, and promote the mental health and the welfare.
3.5 Harden the prevention and the treatment of the abuse of addictive substances, included the undue use of estupefaents and the harmful consumption of alcohol.
3.6 For 2020, reduce at the half the world number of deaths and lesions caused by traffic accidents.
3.7 For 2030, guarantee the universal fit at the kicks of sexual and reproductive health, included the of familiar planning, information and nurture, as well as the integration of the reproductive health at the strategies and the national programs.
3.8 Attain the universal sanitary coverage, in particular the protection against the financial risks, the fit at kicks of essential health of quality and the fit at medicines and certain vaccines, effective, affordable and of quality for all the persons.
3.9 For 2030, reduce substantially the number of deaths and sicknesses caused by dangerous chemical products and the pollution of the air, the water and the soil.
#3.a Harden at all the countries, as escaigui, the app of the Agreement frame of the World Organisation of the Health for the control of the tobacco.
#3.b Back the activities of inquest and development of vaccines and medicines for the sicknesses transmissibles and no transmissibles that affect primordialment developing countries, and facilitate the fit at medicines and at affordable essential vaccines in compliance with the Statement of relative Doha at the Chord on the aspects of the royalties of intellectual property related with the trade (ADPIC) and the public health, at which affirms the law of the developing countries at utilising at the maximum the disposals of it ADPIC regarding the flexibility to protect the public health, and in particular, provide fit at medicines for all the persons.
#3.c Increase substantially the financing of the health and the contracting, the development, the enabling and the retention of the sanitary personnel at the developing countries, especially at the less countries advanced and at the #small insular states developing.
#3.d Reinforce the capacity of all the countries, in particular the developing countries, at matter of #early alarm, cut of risks and management of the risks for the national and world health.