The Local Architectural Heritage Service (SPAL in Catalan acronym) is the technical office of the Barcelona Provincial Council specialized in architectural heritage.
It is formed by a multidisciplinary human team that includes architects, archaeologists, historians, documentalists and historians of the art, among of others.
Since the year 1914, it helps the city councils to value his architectural heritage, monuments and historic centres, with advice and technical, scientific and economic support.
The Service was founded by Barcelona Provincial Council presided by Enric Prat de la Riba, the June 9, 1914 with the name of Service of Cataloging and Conservation of Monuments (SCCM), and under the auspices of the Institute of Catalan Studies, as a result of the "Memory on the conservation and cataloging of monuments".
It beggined to work in January of 1915, being the first organism of a Spanish public administration working for the safeguard, conservation and restoration of the monumental heritage.
In October 31, 1986, changed his denomination to Service of Architectural Heritage and, in 1993, the adjective local was added; this change meant the transfer from the culture area to the cooperation area.
Between the years 1915 and 1929, the headquarters of the Service were in the Palau of the Generalitat. Since 1929 and during sixty years, it was in the Casa dels Canonges, restored by Jeroni Martorell. Since 1989, the Service occupies part of the ground floor of the principal edifice of the ancient Batlló factory, the Edifici del Rellotge, constructed in 1868 for Rafael Guastavino.
The Service, freed of cataloging function and other improper functions of the local administration (assumed since 1981 for the autonomic governance), has then worked deeply for a definition of a system of work that, following the precepts established by Jeroni Martorell, allowed to face the current challenges of the restoration of monumental heritage. This is the Method SCCM (said like this in memory of the original denomination of the Service).
In just over 100 years, the Service has had five directors: the architects Jeroni Martorell and Terrats (1915-1951), Camil Pallàs and Arisa (1954-1978), Antoni González Moreno-Navarro (1981-2008), Joan Closa Pujabet (2008-2019) and since October of 2019, José Luis Sanz Botey.