
Cooperació al desenvolupament   
|   Relacions internacionals


Development co-operation - Relacions internacionals

Development Cooperation 

The area of International Relations of the Diputació de Barcelona has three main objectives regarding Cooperation for Development:

  • To promote policies of local cooperation for development among municipalities and guide local governments in the design, monitoring and evaluation of their initiatives.
  • To cooperate with local governments from developing countries and promote international solidarity as the ideal framework to exchange experiences and implement projects.
  • To provide support to non-profit organizations and work in close coordination with them in the design and execution of projects of cooperation in developing countries and in raising awareness among citizens of the municipalities of Barcelona.


Fields of action:

The Office of Cooperation for Development has a Program to support local policies of cooperation for development, which considers the following:

  • Strategic planning of policies of cooperation for development
  • Development education
  • Strategies of cooperation for development designed by entities from the province of Barcelona

 Moreover, the program has three main areas of work, which aim to:

  1. Offer technical, economic and institutional support instruments through the Catalog of Services
  2. Promote training, reflection and debate
  3. Promote spaces for the exchange of experiences and knowledge

The partners of the Diputació de Barcelona in other countries are, primarily, subnational governments, with which values, principles and interests are shared. Direct cooperation prioritizes the exchange of knowledge and mutual learning with other regions of the world, and seeks to enable the municipalities of the province to engage in projects of decentralized cooperation. There are geographical areas with which the corporation has a well-established relationship such as the Mediterranean region –particularly with Morocco, Lebanon and Tunisia- and Latin America –particularly with Central America and The Andean Region-. 

  • Support to entities in the field of cooperation for development through calls for grants:
  • Development cooperation projects
  • Projects of education for development, understood as a proposal that promotes a global citizenship that is conscious, critical and committed to promoting human rights and sustainable human development but also with international solidarity, understood as a shared responsibility.