XXV European Municipal Meetings

01/03/2023 - 02/03/2023

NEW LOCATION: Museu Marítim, Auditori. Avinguda de les Drassanes, s/n de Barcelona

XXV European Municipal Meetings

Three years after the pandemic: where are European local governments going?

The Office for Europe and International Strategy (OEEI), in collaboration with the Representation of the European Commission and the Office of the European Parliament in Barcelona, organized this 2023 the XXV European Municipal Meetings that are built on the legacy of the European Days that the Directorate of International Relations has been celebrating annually for more than two decades.

This edition, entitled "Three years after the pandemic: where are European local governments going?", aimed to generate a space for debate and exchange around how the current context of multiple interconnected crises is impacting management of European municipalities, and the policies and instruments that the European Union makes available to local governments to better respond to the needs of citizens and local agents.

The program of the Meetings combined dialogues between experts in European policies and local governments, experience roundtables and presentations on the European programs LIFE and Horizon Europe.

Below, attached to the program, you will find the links to download the presentations made by some speakers, as well as the different guides presented and the main take-aways and conclusions of the Meetings.



The XXV European Municipal Meetings will be led by journalist Carles Prats.

1 March

09h00 - 09h15  Accreditations
09h15 – 09h30 Institutional welcome (CAT/EN)*
Ms. Pilar Díaz, Deputy to the Presidency and International Relations Delegate of the Barcelona Provincial Council and Mayor of Esplugues de Llobregat
09h30 – 10h45  Dialogue on the current European context: crises, emergencies and transitions (EN)*
Mr. Philipp Rode, Executive Director of LSE Cities at the London School of Economics
Mr. Octavi de la Varga, International Strategic Projects Advisor of Barcelona Provincial Council
10h45 – 11h15  Coffee break
11h15 – 12h00 The territorial impact of COVID-19. Presentation of the results of the report “Territorial impacts of Covid-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities (EN)*
Mr. Wiktor Szydarowski, Director, ESPON EGTC
12h00 – 13h15  Round table. Three years after the outbreak: responses and transformations led by local governments
Mr. Jacopo Suppo, Deputy Mayor of the Torino Metropolitan Region
Mr. Josep Monràs, Deputy Mayor, Mollet del Vallès city council
Ms. Cordula Drautz, Commissioner and Head of the finance and management department at the Hannover region
Mr. Pascal Smet, Secretary of State for Brussels Capital Region
Ms. Mihaela Orghici, advisor, Projects and Sustainable Development Directorate, Iaşi Provincial County
13h15 – 13h30  Closing remarks for the first day of meetings (CAT)*
Mr. Antoni Montseny, Director of International Relations, Barcelona Provincial Council
13h30 – 14h15  Visit to Maritim Museum


2 March

09h00 - 09h15  Welcome (CAT)*
Mr. Antoni Montseny, Director of International Relations, Barcelona Provincial Council
09h15 – 10h00 The European Union’s response to the local reality: opportunities and challenges for cities (EN)*
Mr. Manuel Szapiro, Director, Representation of the European Commission in Barcelona
Mr. Fabrizio Rossi, Secretary General, Council of European Municipalities and Regions
Ms. Iwona Karwot, Senior lecturer, European Institute of Public Administration
10h00 –  11h00  Round table. The participation of local governments in EU funding programs: lessons learnt and good practices from the 2014-2020 period (CAT)*
Mr. Jordi Tort, 1st Deputy Mayor of Gavà town hall, President of the area of Central Services, Sustainable Economic Development, City Projection and Sports
Ms. Fabiana Palmero, Deputy Mayor, Vic City Council
Ms. Conxita Martínez, Deputy Mayor, Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council
Mr. Lluis Vall i Carrillo, Councilor for Culture, Innovation, Tourism and European and Transversal Projects of Gironella City Council
11h00  –  11h30  Coffee break
11h30 – 12h00 Presentation of the handbooks for local governments to participate in the EU multiannual financial framework 2021 – 2027 (CAT)*
Ms. Olívia Paton, Head of Europe and International Strategy Office, International Relations Directorate, Barcelona Provincial Council
Ms. Gemma Cortada, Head of municipal support Area at the Europe and International Strategy Office, International Relations Directorate, Barcelona Provincial Council
12h00 – 13h15  Key aspects of the LIFE and Horizon Europe programs for local authorities (ES)*
Ms. Mª Luisa Revilla Trujillo, delegate for Cluster 5-Energy, Horizon Europe, at the Directorate for EU Programmes and Territorial Cooperation (CDTI)
Mr. José Manuel Blanco, National Contact Point LIFE, Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge
13h15 – 13h45  Round of individual questions and answers with experts from the LIFE and Horizon Europe programs (ES)*
13h45 – 14h00 

Closing remarks (CAT)*
Mr. Antoni Montseny, Director of International Relations, Barcelona Provincial Council


*Simultaneous interpretation will be available


Guides presented (in Catalan):


Fons europeus de gestió directa: oportunitats per al món local: Marc financer pluriennal 2021-2027

LIFE: oportunitats per al món local | Programa per al medi ambient i l'acció pel clima de la UE 2021-2027

Horizon Europe: oportunitats per al món local |Programa Marc de Recerca i Innovació de la UE 2021-2027

Projectes europeus d'èxit participats per governs locals de la província de Barcelona: Marc financer pluriennal 2014-2020
