This section covers noise and noise pollution as a factor to be improved in the home due to their adverse health consequences.
Noise, from the architectural perspective, can be classified as:
- Impact noise, when it is produced by solids objects hitting each other and is subsequently propagated through the air and other solid objects. It is the most difficult to eliminate and is found in homes that do not have the capacity to interrupt impact noise from neighbouring homes.
- Airborne noise , originates in the air and is propagated by it directly. It can move from one medium to another; it is transmitted in accordance with the airtightness of the material, the mass of the material and the combination of different materials; a thicker and denser wall insulates airborne sound better. It takes place especially in the case of woodwork that does not close properly.
Epidemiological studies provide comprehensive evidence on the relationship between environmental noise and adverse health effects. For this reason, noise pollution is considered to be not only an environmental nuisance, but also a public health problem. In this sense, the home must be a space that enables insulation and protection from the outside world.
The relationship between excessive noise in the environment and cardiovascular diseases has been proved in various studies. Recently, it has been determined that noise especially affects people over the age of 50. Specifically, every 10 decibel increase in noise over the level recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) registers a 14% increase in the risk of a heart attack. In the case of people over 65, this risk increases to 27%. Other associated effects are: temporary or permanent reduction of hearing, irritability, interferences in sleep that produce: fatigue, reduced performance, reduced concentration at work, effects on the metabolism, the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, etc.
Guarantee acoustic comfort in the home and reduce conditions associated with excess noise.
Proposals and recommendations for users
In the case of excessive impact noise from neighbours
- Breakage of acoustic bridges to the extent possible. In the case of an existing building that has problems associated with acoustic bridges, they can be improved, but they are difficult to remove.
- Installation of a floating floor with an acoustic barrier on top, which enables the reduction of impact noise. It is also possible to install other absorbents such as rugs.
- Installation of an acoustic absorbent on the ceiling or walls that can interrupt the means through which the impact is transmitted or dampen the impact.
- Insulation of conduits, pipes and downpipes.
In the case of excessive airborne noise from neighbours
- Airtight building envelopes and the use of glass with acoustic attenuation, such as double glazing with argon gas and laminates. Glass with a chamber that does not contain SF6 (sulphur hexafluoride) should be chosen.
- Introduction of more mass into the building envelopes (double wall, fill cavities that do not have insulation).
- Use specific insulation materials like cork and combine different materials.
Proposals and recommendations for the administration
- Environmental education and awareness campaigns aimed at residents to prevent behaviours that may generate noises that affect cohabitation.
- Identification of environments with neighbour conflicts associated with noise based on the complaints lodged by the community or the work of community services, in order to be able to carry out specific awareness and mediation actions.
- Use of alternative tools through which councils can detect deficits in noise protection such as habitability certificates, technical reports or energy efficiency certificates and propose the most suitable intervention.
- Establishment of economic aid to facilitate the improvement of housing in relation to noise. It may be interesting to identify the environments with the greatest noise problems in the municipality in order to prioritise intervention if the causes are difficult to resolve.
Information only available in Catalan
- Pla d'acció per a la minoració de la contaminació acústica de la ciutat de Barcelona. Conjunt de mesures per reduir els nivells de soroll existent a les zones de superació i protegir les zones amb una bona qualitat acústica.
- Campanya contra la contaminació acústica – Andalusia. Campanya de difusió, conscienciació i formació dirigida als professionals públics i provats, així coma tots els agents socials afectats pel Reglament de protecció contra la contaminació acústica en Andalusia.
- Mapa estratègic del soroll. Ajuntament de Barcelona. Els Mapes Estratègics de Soroll (MES) són mapes per avaluar globalment l'exposició de la població al soroll produït per diferents fonts de soroll en una zona determinada, i per servir de base per a l'elaboració de plans d'acció.
- Reial decret 1371/2007, de 19 d´octubre, pel qual s´aprova el document bàsic DB-HR Protecció contra el soroll, del Codi tècnic de l´edificació i es modifica el Reial Decret 314/2006, de 17 de març pel qual s´aprova el Codi tècnic de l´edificació.
- Llei 16/2002, de 28 de juny, de protecció contra la contaminació acústica.
- Decret 176/2009, de 10 de novembre, pel qual s´aprova el Reglament de la Llei 16/2002.
- Llei 37/2003, de 17 de novembre, del soroll.
- Reial decret 1367/2007, de 19 d´octubre, pel qual es desenvolupa la Llei 37/2003, de 17 de novembre, de soroll, pel que fa a zonificació acústica, objectius de qualitat i emissions acústiques.
- Decret 245/2005, de 8 de novembre, pel qual es fixen els criteris per a l´elaboració dels mapes de capacitat acústica.
- Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalunya. 2010. Model d'Ordenança reguladora del sorolls i les vibracions.
- Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge, 2010. Guia de la renovació energètica d'edificis d'habitatges: envolupament tèrmica i instal·lacions. Generalitat de Catalunya.
- Àmbit equipaments. Condicions saludables. Fitxa "Soroll"
- Àmbit Espai Públic. Medi ambient, canvi climàtic i sostenibilitat. Fitxa "La contaminació acústica"
- Àmbit Habitatge. Entorn saludable. Fitxa "Confort acústic"
- Àmbit Planificació urbana. Medi ambient, canvi climàtic i sostenibilitat. Fitxa "Contaminació acústica"
- Àmbit Habitatge. Fitxa "Confort acústic"
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dt., 11 de maig 2021 13:32:02 +0000
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