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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results.

Presentation of the 5th and 6th announcement of the new program CE Implements



Presentació de la futura comunitat energètica de Carme


El Casal de Carme

Jornada ajuts a les comunitats energètiques: presentació de les noves convocatòries i aspectes jurídics rellevants


Presencial:ACM - Espai Prat de la Riba (C/ València, 231, planta baixa)

Xerrada informativa de la Comunitat Energètica Municipal d'Ullastrell


Biblioteca Josep Massagué (Ullastrell)

Jornada: Comunitats energètiques empresarials


Museu del Treball i la Indústria Viva (Santa Perpètua de Mogoda)

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results.

Workshops and technical seminars on energetic communities

Jornada les comunitats energètiques a l'Alt Penedès i el Garraf


Castell de Castellet
Plaça del Castell, S/N, 08729 Castellet, Barcelona


Below you can find videos and documentation resulting from the technical seminars on local energy transition dedicated to energy communities carried out within the framework of the Network of Cities and Towns towards Sustainability..

4. Energetic communities (III)
Business and governance models to participate in the local world

Online session, 22 of June of the 2022.

Welcome and context

Public-private partnership to promote an energy community in the Agro-Reus industrial estate. Ramon Castellví. Reus Town Hall. Ramon Castellví. Reus's city council

Mixed energy communities: the experience in the Sant Lluís business estate (Menorca). Jesús Cardona. Nontropia

Public self-consumption facilities shared with citizens: the experience of 69 municipalities of Girona. Eudald Bone. Girona Provincial Council. Eudald Hueso. Girona's deputation

Citizen energy cooperatives: the case of Balenyà Sostenible SCCL. Ramon Roig. Sustainable Balenyà. Ramon Roig. Balenyà Sustainable

The commercial company as a vehicle to promote CELs with municipal participation: the case of Prat de Llobregat. Joan Herrera, Prat de Llobregat City Council

Thermal energy communities. Jesús Teixidor. SUNO

Conclusions and results of the seminar

Relatoria on Energetic communities (IIIa part)

Decalogue of the principal ideas on the technical seminar on Energetic communities (IIIa part)

Video of the recording

3. Energetic communities II, of the idea in all but name

Online session, 12 and 13 of May of the 2021

Session 3.1. State of the art and practical cases (12 of May of the 2021)

At which point find us? Summation of the session Energetic communities I. Marta García. Ecoserveis

The paper of the Deputation of Barcelona at the spurt of energetic communities at the townships: technical and economic support. Albert Vendrell. Technical office of climatic Change and sustainability of the Deputation of Barcelona.

Support at the energetic communities

Guide for the spurt of energetic communities with municipal. Jorge Andrey. Fellow of Schlaich Dauss

Guide for the spurt of energetic communities with municipal perspective.

Guía pauses further it of comunidades energéticas cone municipal perspective (Spanish)

Spurt of local Energetic communities at the province of Girona. Xavi Too. Km0

Energetic communities, empoderar at the consumer to attain a renewable model and of proximity

Up-Stairs: designing a strategy of energetic communities at the WITH. Gil Lladó WITH

Web of the project Up-Stairs

Cooperative energetic Autonomy. Ignasi Ripoll. City council of Saldes.

Session 3.2. More proposals and experiences of energetic communities (13 of May of the 2021)

Municipal offices for the promotion of Energetic communities. Laura Feijoo, Ecooo .

Web of Ecooo

Barrio Solar in Zaragoza. Carlos Pesqué. Fundación Ecodes

Barrio's web Solar

The energetic communities at the townships of the Valencian Community. Juan Sacri. Sapiens

Web of Sapiens Energy

The energetic community at the polygon Bufalvent. Pole Valero, Manresa's City council.

It guides "The photovoltaic at Manresa's city". Manresa's city council

The energetic community at the polygon Bufalvent. Montse Ambros, Association of Employers of Bufalvent.

Ekiola: a collaboration público-private in the Basque Country to further the energetic communities. Carlos Beracierto. Krean

Web of Ekiola

Web of Ekiluz

Conclusions and results of the seminar

Relatoria digest of the two sessions

Infografia with the decalogue of key concepts to promote the energetic communities and surpass the ongoing barriers

Videos of the recordings of the two sessions

Also we pose at your willingness the contents of the technical seminar on energetic transition at the local world devoted the year 2019 at the energetic communities.

Energy Communities Promotion Office
Carrer Comte Urgell, 187
Edifici del Rellotge, 2nd floor
08036 Barcelona

Logotip Oficina Transición Comunitaria logo

Next Generation Europa

Ministerio para la transición ecológica y el reto demográfico

IDAE - Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía

Pla de Recuperació, Transició i Resiliència

Jornada les comunitats energètiques a l'Alt Penedès i el Garraf

19/06/2024 9.15 - 14.20

Castell de Castellet
Plaça del Castell, S/N, 08729 Castellet, Barcelona

Jornada informativa i per resoldre dubtes sobre les comunitats energètiques a l’Alt Penedès i el Garraf, organitzada pel Servei de Bioeconomia Circular de la Mancomunitat Penedès-Garraf amb l’assessorament de VNG energia.

Més informació
