Map consultation

Map of the rooftop photovoltaic potential
1/1000 scale viewer of all roofs that can be used to install photovoltaic solar energy. For each cover there is information on the use of the building, the usable cover surface, the maximum power, the productivity and the performance of the possible installation.


You can also check the rooftop photovoltaic potential map on the SITAC website


Energetic communities in operation
In this viewer you can consult the communities that are in operation in the province of Barcelona; they are differentiated by those that have received financial or technical support from the Diputació de Barcelona, those promoted by the Osona Energy Agency and those promoted by the Bages Energy Agency.


You can also check the energetic communities in operation map on the SITAC website


Energy Communities Promotion Office
Carrer Comte Urgell, 187
Edifici del Rellotge, 2nd floor
08036 Barcelona

Logotip Oficina Transición Comunitaria logo

Next Generation Europa

Ministerio para la transición ecológica y el reto demográfico

IDAE - Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía

Pla de Recuperació, Transició i Resiliència