30/04/2021 13:09 h.

We capsize at Area of Equality and social Sustainability


Approved a change of denomination of the Area at what find us

We capsize at Area of Equality and social Sustainability

Of chord with the process of transformation of the social politicians of the local bodies that are furthering during this Mandate, the Full of Barcelona's Deputation of yesterday 29 of April approved a change of denomination of the Area at what find us, which passes at nicknaming Area of Equality and Social Sustainability.

This change responds at the will to adapt us at the concepts defined by the new conceptual frame of the Area and at the strategic lines that during the last months have worked and that have as a purpose promote the equality and the social sustainability.

At this sense, the promotion of the equality is one of the strategic acts of the Area that wants to take into account, since a transversal gaze and interseccional, the diversities and the inequalities for motifs of genus, generational, functional and of origin.

Concurrently, we pose us as a cairn lat social sustainability, one of the three developmental dimensions sustainable promoted by the Diary 2030 of the #United Nations, together with the economic and environmental sustainability, and that bases at guaranteeing some suitable living conditions, the redistribution of resources and the social inclusion, concurrently that it guarantees the equality of opportunities, the health and the welfare, the coexistence and the social cohesion.

This initiative cements the path begun at the beginning of Mandate for the innovation and transformation of the social politicians and of the resources and kicks that offer at the local bodies of the province of Barcelona.