04/11/2021 09:56 h.

the practical Guide for the incorporation of the perspective of genus at the prevention and the boarding of the additions


Nova guide:

The Area of Equality and Social Sustainability presents the practical Guide for the incorporation of the perspective of genus at the prevention and the boarding of the additions with the aim to give criteria and transversal strategies to incorporate systematically the perspective of genus at all the processes of work: design, planning, execution and appraisal of the preventive acts and kicks of attention of the addictions, as well as, sensitise at the professionals that work at this field of the necessity to include at his performances the enfoc of genus.

Analyse and take into account the differences of genus, the peculiarities, the factors of protection and factors of risk of men and wives at the onset and the consumption of drugs and other addictions, will aid at accosting suitably the interventions and improve his efficacy.

The Guide has elaborated taking into account the necessities and difficulties expressed by the technicians and municipal technicians at the app of the enfoc of genus at his professional activity, with the final aim that the document facilitate tools that give response at these necessities and was applicable at the reality of each township.

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