19/03/2021 10:48 h.
The centre SPOTT of Barcelona's Deputation edits materials to prevent the addiction of the games of chance and online stakes among the youngsters
The Centre SPOTT of Barcelona's Deputation ends to edit the third capsule of the collection “Connect” that, under the title “Your children interest for the online stakes?”, evidencia the necessity to sensitise the families on the increase of the stakes at Internet for part of the adolescents and youngsters, as well as promote the familiar prevention and protect the boys and girls in front of this problematic.
At present the games of chance and the stakes at the meshes are a phenomenon at clear progression that has impacted among the adolescents and youngsters. The online games have a tall addictive potential for his characteristics: the availability the 24 hours of the day and the easy fit at webs and apps since any device and of unnamed form, and now the sportive stakes, an activity associated at the sport, socialitzadora and with a low perception of risk, but that can take readily at developing an addiction.
The increase of the games of online chance among the youngsters also has ascertained at the results of the last survey ESTUDES 2018-2019 (Survey on use of drugs at the Secondary Education) and the Report on Additions Behaviours of the National Plan of Drugs, where observes a main prevalença of teenage boys that play online money and that augments with the age, being the 18 years the age with a prevalença more overhead. No obstant, the report evidencia that a percentage of adolescents, already since the 14 years, play money at Internet.
On the other hand, a recent survey of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (2020) alarm of the impact that has the advert at adolescents and youngsters, that being strongly exposed at the strategies that utilise operators of games and online stakes to capture new customers: the offer of bonus free and the utilisation of famed and sporty personages of elite that attract at young consumers.
The aim of the Deputation of Barcelona, through these tools of the Centre SPOTT, is to aid the families and municipal technical personnel that it work with girls and youngsters to be able to eschew risks associated how are: the familiar conflicts, irritability, small thefts, low academic performance or school absenteeism, a problematic use or an addition.
Collection “Connect”
These materials form part of the collection “Connect” that already has edited two informative capsules more, on social meshes and video games, addressed at the families with the aim to promote nice practices at the use of the screens.
These resources suppose a guide for the families at the hour to accompany his children and daughters at the utilisation of the screens and aid them at acting of preventive way. Concurrently, they become an instrument of support for municipal professionals.
The capsules are formed by a video accompanied of a material of recommendations that, so much the families like the technical personnel of the city councils, will find at "Connect"
During the next months, Barcelona's Deputation will continue working to offer other capsules that accost themed and now the use of the mobile or the addiction at Internet, among of other phenomenons associated at the new techs and the impact that have at girls and adolescents.
The materials of the Collection “Connect” of the Centre SPOTT respond at the Aim of Sustainable Development (ODS) number 3. Health and Welfare. “Guarantee a healthy life and promote the welfare for all the persons at all the ages”. The seventeen ODS were proclaimed by the General Assembly of #United Nations the September 25, 2015 and form part of the global diary for 2030. Barcelona's the Deputation assumes the fulfillment and deploys his act of support at the local governances of the province of chord with these ODS.