01/02/2022 10:03 h.

International day of the Together Certain “Internet for a better Internet"


8 of February 2022

The International Day of the Certain Internet commemorates for initiative of the mesh INSAFE/INHOPE and the European Commission with the aim to promote the certain use of the digital techs.

Since the centre SPOTT of Barcelona's Deputation, sum us at the celebration of the International Day of the Together certain “Internet for a better Internet”, promoting the certain and responsible use of the screens at the familiar field through the distinct programs and preventive materials:

Links at webs of interest:

You can track the campaign at the social meshes with the tag #SaferInternetDay and #SID2022.

These programs and materials respond at the Aim of Sustainable Development (ODS) number 3. Health and Welfare. "Guarantee a healthy life and promote the welfare for all the persons at all the ages". The seventeen ODS were proclaimed by the General Assembly of #United Nations the September 25, 2015 and form part of the global diary for 2030. Barcelona's the Deputation assumes the fulfillment and deploys his act of support at the local governances of the province of chord with these ODS.