16/06/2021 10:01 h.

Escola of Summer 2021


of the 12 at the 16 of July

It returns the School of summer: 30 years at the kick of the innovation and the transformation of the social politicians


How every year, and this is not the exception, returns the School of Summer of the Area of Equality and Social Sustainability.

This edition, the thirtieth, maintains the virtual format of the previous year and will offer 3 modalities of sessions: conferences, to deepen at the ken; round tables, to promote the exchange of municipal experiences and workshops, for apropar tools of work for elect and professionals of the local bodies.

Through these rooms of debate and of exchange of kens and experiences contributes at the innovation and the transformation of the social politicians of local field to face at the challenges, increasingly complex, of our society.

The edition of this year is of special importance so that we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the School. After 3 decades beside the local bodies, continue betting for rooms of reflection and of spurt of proposals that permit to advance of conjoint form to a social reflation of the territory that do not let nobody back.

You Will find all the information updated at the web of the School of Summer. Reserve you the date: of the 12 at the July 16, 2021.

The inscriptions will open from the week of the 21 of June through the web.