21/07/2021 09:48 h.

22 of July | world Day of the brain


How come they like us so much the screens?

The year 2014 the World Federation of Neurology proclaimed the 22 of July how the Día World of the brain for conscienciar on his potential, risks and sicknesses.


The digital contents (apps, video games, social meshes...) they are designed to capture apace our attention: they utilise footage, colours and musician at big speed and dynamism, intuitive and easy to utilise and provide us immediate rewards (prizes, points, likes, followers, purchases, last news...) fact that makes that it augment apace our interest, time of dedication and difficulty to control us.


The brain and the dopamine: the dopamine is a neurotransmitter that segregates the brain and is the attendant to actuate the circuits of reward and of pleasure and therefore, nickname it “hormone of the happiness”. Eat, make sport, practice sex etc, also are behaviours that provide us pleasure for the liberation of dopamine, no obstant, in moderation are beneficial for us.



We are consuming apps designed to make us addicts? screens vs drugs.



The use of screens provides us immediate rewards and our brain acts segregating a big quantity of dopamine that apace actuates the centres of pleasure experimenting a pleasant feeling and of immediate indulgence. How many more hours pass in front of the screens, more actuates this circuit of reward and pleasure, and every time will need more quantity of stimuluses, more intensity or more hours to obtain the same indulgence. This circuit, if it converts at a habit, can convert at an addiction at the screens with the negative consequences that gate.