Conclusion of the 14th edition of the Circle of Comparison Intermunicipal of Alimentary Security (CCISAM)

Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Schedule: from 9.45 h to 13.30 h

Place: Auditory of Pati Manning. C. Montalegre, 7. Barcelona.

The objective of the conference is to present the most relevant results and data of the 14th edition of CCISAM and we will take advantage of the meeting to expand knowledge, in this case on Royal Decree 1021/2022, of December 13, which regulates certain requirements in terms of hygiene of the production and marketing of food products in retail establishments.

Program and presentations of the day

9.45 h Welcome

10.00 h Opening Conference Royal Decree 1021/2022. Hygiene of food products in trade stables in minor fear

Blanca Ortega Medina. Senior Technician in the Biological Risk Management Area of the Food Safety and Nutrition Agency (AESAN).

11.00 h Pause

11.45 h Presentation of Circle Results

Indicators in transformation: the effect of external factors

Ramon Dordal Zueras. Head of the Support Section for Municipal Economic and Financial Activity. Programming service. General Services and Digital Transition Area. Barcelona Provincial Council.

Results of the 14th edition

Magda Bertran Ribera. Head of the Public Health Section. Public Health Service. Area of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Public Health. Barcelona Provincial Council.

12.30 h Municipal experiences and debate

Sílvia Farriol Pérez. City Council of Granollers.

Tamara Rodríguez Berrocal. City Council of Cambrils.

Modera: Magda Bertran Ribera. Head of the Public Health Section. Public Health Service. Area of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Public Health. Barcelona Provincial Council.

13.30 h Closing