
ODS 11

ODS 11. Make cities and human settlemetns inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

It is about placing cities at the center of sustainable development in an increasingly urbanized world.

Cities must become leaders in the generation of sustainable and quality human systems and must guarantee the security and minimums of a dignified life for all citizens: affordable housing, basic services, education and health, but also mobility (with good planning), quality green spaces and an active community life.

Cities must plan their development in a sustainable and participatory way, ensuring the protection of cultural and natural heritage, ensuring territorial integration and providing comprehensive and resilient responses to the risks arising from climate change and other possible disasters or crises.

11.1 For 2030, assure the fit of all the persons at houses and at basic kicks adapted, certain and affordable, and improve the neighbourhoods marginals.

11.2 For 2030, provide fit at systems of certain transport, affordable, accessible and sustainable for all the persons, and improve the road security, in particular by means of the extension of the public transport, with special attention at the necessities of the persons at vulnerable situation, wives, girls, boys, persons with disability and #big persons.

11.3 For 2030, augment the inclusive and sustainable urbanisation, as well as the capacity to schedule and manage of participatory way, integrated and sustainable the human settlements at all the countries.

11.4 Redoblar the efforts to protect and salvaguardar the cultural and natural heritage in the world.

11.5 For 2030, reduce of significant form the number of deaths caused by disasters, included the related with the water, and of persons affected by these, and reduce substantially the direct economic losses caused by disasters related with the soiled indoor product world, making a special emphasis at the protection of the #poor persons and of the persons at situations of vulnerability.

11.6 For 2030, reduce the negative ambient impact for capita of the cities, with special attention at the quality of the air, as well as at the management of the municipal waste and of other type.

11.7 For 2030, provide universal fit at unripe zones and certain public rooms, inclusive and accessible, in particular for the wives and the girls, the #big persons and the persons with disability.

#11.a Lean at the economic ties, social and ambient positives among the urban zones, periurbanes and rural hardening the national developmental planning and regional.

#11.b For 2020, augment substantially the number of cities and human settlements that adopt and set up politicians and plans integrated to promote the inclusion, the efficient use of the resources, it mitigació of the climatic change and the adaptation at this, as well as the resilience in front of the disasters, and develop and pose at practice an integral management of the risks of disaster at all the levels, of chord with the Frame of Sendai for the cut of the risk of disasters 2015-2030.

#11.c Provide support at the less countries advanced, including a financial and technical assistance, so that they can construct sustainable edifices and resilients utilising local materials.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Download all ODS_11 information. [PDF]

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