Other resources


This section contains links to other resources that may help local institutions implement the 2030 Agenda.

Unesco Etxea has prepared this dossier to analyse and reflect on the relationship between human rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in order to contribute to the development of the two agendas in an integrated and mutually reinforcing way, as fundamental elements for sustainable human development.

The GUAE is a service provided by Barcelona Provincial Council's Directorate for International Relations. It contains information on the calls for applications for funding issued by the EU aimed at local institutions.

This page contains links to publications and tools to support local institutions interested in mitigating and combating climate change (tools for calculating the cost of inaction; promoting renewable energies such as biomass and solar power; energy efficiency and savings, etc.).

International days are an excellent opportunity for informing the public about the goals and raising awareness of their importance. Diesinternacionals.cat is an initiative organised by the Ideograma Foundation with the support of the Government of Catalonia's Directorate General for the Media.

The 2030 Feminist Agenda has developed 8 feminist SDGs as an alternate proposal to the official SDGs approved by the United Nations that constitute a critical analysis to make visible the link between each SDG, the human rights of women and sexual and reproductive rights.

Commemoració de l'Agenda 2030
Mapa d'experiències locals
Banc d'Accions Formatives
Espai d'intercanvi en Agenda 2030
Visor 2030