ODS 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
It is about ensuring that everyone has access to safe drinking water and sanitation.
This SDG calls for access to safe drinking water, as well as sanitation and the management of freshwater ecosystems, which are essential for human health, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. It promotes universal, equitable and affordable access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene services. On the other hand, it is a question of improving the quality of water and substantially increasing its recycling and reuse in safe conditions, as well as the efficient use of water resources.
6.1 For 2030, achieve the universal fit and equitatiu at the potable water, at an affordable price for all the persons.
6.2 For 2030, achieve the fit equitatiu at kicks of sanejament and hygiene adapted for all the persons, and pose end at the defecation alfresco, with special attention at the necessities of the wives and girls, as well as of the persons at vulnerable situations.
6.3 For 2030, improve the quality of the water by means of the cut of the pollution, the deletion of the abocaments and the cut at a minimum of the discharge of materials and dangerous chemical products, the cut at the half of the percentage of untreated sewages, and a substantial increase to scale world of the recycled and of the reuse at conditions of security.
6.4 For 2030, augment substantially the efficient utilisation of the resources hídrics at all the sectors, and assure the sustainability of the extraction and of the supply of potable water for such to face at the shortage of water and reduce substantially the number of persons that suffer of shortage of water.
6.5 For 2030, carry out an integrated management of the resources hídrics at all the levels, also by means of the cooperation transfronterera, of the way that was convenient.
6.6 For 2020, protect and reinstate the ecosystems related with the water, included forests, mounts, aiguamolls, rivers, aquifers and lochs.
#6.a For 2030, magnify the international cooperation and the support offered at the developing countries for the enabling at matter of activities and relative programs at the water and it sanejament, including the provision and the storage of water, the desalinisation, it aprofitament efficient of the resources hídrics, the treatment of sewages and the techs of recycling and reuse.
#6.b Lean and harden the turnout of the local communities at the improvement of the management of the water and it sanejament.