Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Urban95 Quality Criteria. Toolkit for measuring urban experiences of young children

Gehl Institute and Urban95

Link to the resource: https://bernardvanleer.org/app/uploads/2018/10/Urban95-Field-Guide.pdf

Target population:
Children and adolescents

Assess specific urban qualities from the perspective of caregivers and young children.

This is an informative discussion tool to highlight the main characteristics of a public space for the well-being of these groups of people.


The tool consists of conducting surveys of people in situ (in the analysis space) on 5 main themes: protection/security, basic needs, comfort, interaction (social and with the environment) and connection (proximity, accessibility, etc.).

Each theme includes three sub-themes, which the respondent must complete with a positive, negative or neutral assessment.

Opportunities and limitations:

This tool is easily adaptable to different types of spaces. It can be used in spaces with a lot of activity and in emptier spaces.

It can be used as a starting point for in-depth diagnosis and analysis, as a way to create a common language for professionals and designers to identify potential for improvement, and as a way to assess the site after an intervention.

It is not suitable for comparing spaces in different cities or countries.

As it is part of a package of tools focused on the young population, it can be complemented with them.

Level of satisfaction in terms of basic needs (access to hygiene elements, feeling of comfort, proximity to other services).
Level of comfort (possibility of sitting down, possibility of riding a bicycle, etc.).
Perception of connection (ease of access, easy connection with spaces that have other uses, etc.).
Perception of safety (regarding traffic, regarding crime, regarding unwanted experiences).
Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility Cohesion and social capital Housing and neighbourhood communities Equipment and services
Link to health:
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space Block - set of buildings or spaces Neighbourhood (or higher)
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach: