Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

System for Observing Outdoor Play Environments in Neighborhood Schools (SOOPEN)

López Toribio, M., et al.

Link to the resource: https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/abs/10.1289/isee.2021.P-103

Target population:
Children and adolescents

To evaluate the physical activity and social interaction of children in playgrounds, considering group dynamics.


This observation tool allows you to record the nuances of play during recess in terms of the intensity and type of activity that takes place, the level and type of social interactions that occur, and the scales of groups that are created.

It combines SOPLAY and SOCARP indicators to record a total of six quantitative variables of observation:

  • group size,
  • gender,
  • level of physical activity,
  • social interactions,
  • shade,
  • type of activity.

The ages of the observed group and climatic factors that may influence the activity carried out in the playground are also recorded.

Opportunities and limitations:

The tool has been tested and validated through pilot studies in schools in Barcelona.

It is based on the methodology and registration indicators of widely tested and validated observation tools such as SOPARC and SOPLAY but adapted to the specific characteristics and dynamics of playgrounds.

It goes beyond the assessment of physical activity and individualised recording of children (as SOCARP does) by introducing indicators of social interaction and group registration at various scales and considering these group dynamics during the observation.

Number of children in the playground.
Elements that the playground has (e.g. swings, basketball hoops, etc.)
Level of involvement of teachers in playground activities
Weekly physical activity level of children and adolescents.
Access to healthy, varied and affordable food.
Equipment and services Cohesion and social capital
Link to health:
Social Physical
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach: