Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions


Bradford, Alfred, et al.
2018. Last updated November 2022

Link to the resource: https://streetmix.net/-/58333858Qüestionari8

Web application
Target population:
Població en general, infants i adolescents

Visualize the process of street design in a flexible, interactive way that can be used by various actors to design or imagine more comfortable and healthy urban environments.


From a street section, the web tool allows you to design, modify and share designs that are created.

It allows you to start from an existing or typical street plan and try to add bicycle lanes, widen sidewalks or introduce strips of vegetation of different types.

Opportunities and limitations:

It allows you to test alternative proposals in a simple, dynamic way.

It can be an interesting tool to use with a non-expert population, or for example with groups of children or young people, in participatory workshops and co-creation processes.

It is not based on scientific evidence, nor does it provide information about its application.

Width of pedestrian crossings.
Number of lanes of motorised traffic compared to non-motorised traffic.
Number of linear metres of bike lanes.
Proximity of residential buildings to motorised traffic lanes.
Noise level (day/night) on the façade of residential buildings.
Percentage of roads with vegetation along their route.
Mobility and accessibility Public space
Link to health:
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project
Methodological approach:
Qualitative / Participatory