Diputació de Barcelona
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Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Mental Well-being Impact Assessment: A Toolkit for Wellbeing (MWIA)

National MWIA Collaborative

Link to the resource: https://healthycampuses.ca/wp-happy/uploads/2014/07/Mentalwellbeingimpactassessmentatoolkitforwellbe-1.pdf

Target population:
General population and population in vulnerable situations

Assess, with community involvement, the impact of a mental health project to ensure that it has the maximum equitable impact on people’s mental well-being.


Study whether the project or intervention affects the following four key areas of mental health: empowerment, increasing resilience and community assets, facilitating participation, and promoting inclusion.

It includes a series of tables for prior evaluation (screening), templates for the identification of relevant indicators, questionnaires, checklists, workshops with different agents (qualitative data), and profiling of areas and population groups and/or communities that are affected (quantitative data).

Opportunities and limitations:

Applicability to multiple types of projects, both pre- and post-intervention.

It provides two levels of application, with an initial pre-evaluation to assess whether the project requires a more in-depth study.

The second level requires a high degree of collaboration and consensus of the group to design the criteria, parameters, etc. It can be used independently and in addition to a health impact assessment (HIA) or environmental impact assessment (EIA).

Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality/neighbourhood.
Green area/inhabitant.
Participation of young people in positive activities.
Number of people using the public library.
Number of people in a situation of dependency.
Percentage of people who do not speak the local language.
Percentage of people who feel they belong in the neighbourhood.
Housing and neighbourhood communities Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility Equipment and services Cohesion and social capital
Link to health:
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space Block - set of buildings or spaces Neighbourhood (or higher)
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Implementation Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach:
Observation Qualitative / Participatory Questionnaire