Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Herramienta para la auditoría social de la sostenibilidad urbana [InPar]

Paisaje Transversal

Link to the resource: https://paisajetransversal.org/2016/02/inpar-herramienta-para-la-auditoria-social-de-la-sostenibilidad-urbana-planur-e/#:~:text=Los%20Indicadores%20Participativos%20%5BInPar%5D%20constituyen,ambas%20partes%20de%20modo%20transversal.

Web page
Target population:
Local administrations and citizen associations

Provide a solution to the lack of relationship between urban sustainability indicators and citizen participation.

This is a tool that allows an in-depth analysis of an urban environment by relating sustainability indicators with qualitative information from citizen’s opinions.


This tool consists of a system for evaluating a certain urban reality by cross-referencing or comparing quantitative, measurable indicators with others of a qualitative nature resulting from the perceptions of consulted populations (users, owners, technicians, agents, entities, etc.).

The quantitative information that is collected by the sustainability indicators defines the state of the space under study according to four large groups of urban variables: environmental, economic, social and functional.

The environmental variables examine the environmental impact of the interventions and the state of the ecosystems (biodiversity) in the study area.

The social variables analyse the degree of social diversity, complexity, balance and cohesion, and the ability to adapt to changes (resilience).

The functional variables record the efficiency of the design, the mobility and infrastructures of the urban fabric.

The economic variables study the diversity and complexity of the economic fabric, services and productive resources, and the possibilities of evolution.

The channels for obtaining qualitative information on citizen perception are digital and physical, using existing or new participatory apps, analysing social networks and local forums and previous reports of participatory processes, and providing participatory tools for local citizen facilities and networks.

All the information generated in the activities is classified according to the issuer, the character, the scope and the topics to which it refers.

Opportunities and limitations:

It generates a snapshot of an environment that allows us to assess which aspects are a priority for improvement projects, which aspects need empowerment actions, and which aspects should be put on standby to build options from pedagogy.

It allows a real-time evaluation of the impact of urban interventions and measures the functional, environmental, social and economic benefits they generate.

It allows the establishment of a series of citizen priorities when it comes to undertaking works to improve the urban environment.

It allows the relation of complex technical indicators (sustainability indicators) with topics of interest among citizens, so that they can be understood by non-expert interlocutors.

It can become an instrument for monitoring the suitability, efficiency and effectiveness of a wide range of urban projects. It encourages community participation and involvement.

Percentage of trees suitable for a climate.
Percentage of spaces with a good noise level.
Population ageing index.
Proximity to facilities.
Percentage of permeable soil.
Accessibility of housing.
Public space Housing and neighbourhood communities Equipment and services Cohesion and social capital Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility
Link to health:
Scale of the field of study:
Block - set of buildings or spaces Neighbourhood (or higher) Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach:
Observation Qualitative / Participatory Questionnaire