Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Espais per a la vida quotidiana. Auditoria de qualitat urbana amb perspectiva de gènere

Ciocoletto, A. (Col·lectiu Punt 6)

Link to the resource: https://www.punt6.org/books/espais-per-a-la-vida-quotidiana/

Target population:
General population

Check the cross-cutting application of the gender perspective in urban planning, in spaces and in management, based on a comprehensive analysis of the social, physical and functional aspects of a given environment.


The guide is structured in three steps: a participatory diagnosis, an evaluation of the urban space and an evaluation of urban management.

For the participatory diagnosis, previous inspection tours, participant observation techniques, interviews and participatory dynamics such as workshops and collaborative mappings are carried out.

The second and third steps (assessment of urban space and its management) are mainly based on the analysis of a number of indicators. The second step, evaluation of urban space, involves the collection of quantitative information compiled with qualitative data that consider physical, social and functional aspects. This allows measurement and comparison over time of the situation of the neighbourhoods and the identification of areas of action that are needed to improve people’s daily lives.

In the third step, evaluation of urban management, an internal analysis of the areas of the government that participate in issues related to urban planning is carried out through indicators to evaluate whether the gender perspective is applied in a cross-cutting way.

Opportunities and limitations:

As this is a cross-cutting issue and addresses social, physical and management perspectives, it requires a long implementation time, collaborative work and consensus among multiple actors. Proper prior training is required to implement the tool.

The guide provides a wealth of material and resources for implementation.

Walking distance to the different uses.
Pedestrian conditions on streets in the daily network.
Information and signalling in the everyday network.
Perception and autonomy of people in the neighbourhood.
Collaboration between government bodies.
Gender variable on all scales.
Cohesion and social capital Mobility and accessibility Housing and neighbourhood communities Public space Green infrastructure Equipment and services
Link to health:
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space Block - set of buildings or spaces Neighbourhood (or higher)
Implementation phase:
Implementation Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach:
Observation Qualitative / Participatory Questionnaire