Diputació de Barcelona
Entorn urbà i salut
Tools to incorporate the health perspective in municipal actions

Age + Gender Tally (Public Life Tools)

Gehl Institute
Target population:
General population

Evaluate access to public space and the use made of it by people, according to their age and gender.


Observation technique that consists of recording, in periods of between 10 and 30 minutes, how many people cross an invisible line that intersects the study space. The number of people who cross this line, their estimated age group and gender are recorded.

This tool can be adapted to record how many people stay (not necessarily moving) in a public space at specific times and to estimate their age and gender.

Opportunities and limitations:

These data shed light on who uses a public space and when, who does not feel welcome to do this or who cannot access it at all.

The tool can be adapted to record people in movement (entering and leaving the observed area) and the people who remain in it.

It is a multifaceted tool, as it can be used on a wide variety of scales (parks, squares and streets).

A specific observation point can be selected, or various observation points can be accumulated that are then recorded on a map. These are observational data that will not always accurately reflect the gender identities of people in a space, so it should be combined with other techniques such as surveys or interviews, to contrast the results.

Age of people who move or stay in the public study space.
Gender of people who move or stay in the public study space.
Number of people who move or stay in the space during the day.
Number of persons that move or remain at the room during the night.
Public space Green infrastructure Mobility and accessibility
Link to health:
Physical Social
Scale of the field of study:
Housing / street / building / bounded public space
Implementation phase:
Diagnosis / pre-project Monitoring and evaluation
Methodological approach: