
Following the "Health in All Policies" precept and within the framework of the Barcelona Provincial Council's Table for Urban Improvement, a technical work group was created at the end of 2010 to foster healthy urban environments.

The Table for Urban Improvement (TxMU) is a cross-cutting initiative sponsored by Barcelona Provincial Council's Department of Territory and Sustainability, and included as part of the assistance provided to local councils in improving neighbourhoods with special needs. It was created with the goal of improving the service given to local councils through cooperation, knowledge sharing and cross-functional, multidisciplinary work within the corporation.

It is with this background that nearly 40 professionals from different academic disciplines employed in the Provincial Council in such diverse areas as urban planning, infrastructures and housing, sport, environment, economic development and welfare are now working in the "Urban Environment and Health" project. The goal of the Urban Environment and Health project is to create urban environments that encourage citizens to live healthily and that minimize the environmental factors that could give rise to health risks for the people who live in them.

The Urban Environment and Health website, and the guide hosted on it, are the fruit of their work and research. .